Applying Supporter Certificate

Applying a Supporter Certificate or Serial Key using the Modern SandMan UI

Sandboxie Plus offers a bunch of Premium Features which require a Supporter Certificate to unlock, as well as a few Advanced Features which require a special Advanced Certificate. Further more to use Sandboxie Plus in a commercial setting an appropriate Business use Certificate is mandatory.

Certificates can be obtained as Plain Text, or through the use of a Serial Key. Advanced Certificates are created by upgrading a regular certificate with a Feature Upgrade Key, this process downloads a new Plain Text certificate with the Advanced features enabled.

If you have obtained a Standard Certificate and a Advanced Features Serial Key, you must first apply the Standard Certificate and then in a second step apply the upgrade key, once the Advanced Certificate has been set up you can save it for later use.

Applying a Supporter Certificate

To apply a supporter certificate, please start the Sandboxie-Plus and open the global settings

In the global options please go to the "Support & Udpates" page.

Enter your entire certificate starting with NAME: up to and including the last ==
Then press Apply (or OK)

Then you will be prompted to grant Administrative privileges, you will need to allow them in order for teh certificate to be installed

Depanding on your OS preset you may need to also confirm an UAC prompt

Once teh certificate is accepted the entry field should become green.

And a notification popUp windows should appear.

Applying a Serial Key

To download a supporter certificate, using a serial key, please start the Sandboxie-Plus and open the global settings

In the global options please go to the "Support & Udpates" page.

Enter your serial number into the apropriate line edit.

Then press the adjacent "Get" button

Sandman will now contact the license server on the internet and download the certificate.

If you do not permit Sandman to access the Internet this will fail.

Once the certificate has been downloaded it will be automatically placed in the Text Edit and applied, please see the second half of the Applying a Supporter Certificate section for details.

Upgrading an existing certificate using a Serial Key

To apply a supporter certificate, please start the Sandboxie-Plus and open the global settings

In the global options please go to the "Support & Udpates" page.

Then Press on "Retreive/Upgrade/Renew certificate using Serial Number"

Then a serial entry line edit should appear, there please enter your Serial Key

Then press the adjacent "Get" button

Sandman will now contact the license server on the internet and download the certificate.

If you do not permit Sandman to access the Internet this will fail.

Once the certificate has been downloaded it will be automatically placed in the Text Edit and applied, please see the second half of the Applying a Supporter Certificate section for details.